Thursday, August 18, 2011

Lots of learning...

Today was a busy but great day! We chose comfy reading spots, passed out book boxes, selected books to put in our book boxes, and spent some quality time reading. We solved 2 problems in our math journals and discussed different strategies that students used to solve them. We played a math game called "Roll to Make 10" and also figured out how much our names are worth if consonants are worth 2 points and vowels are worth 5 points. (How much is YOUR first name worth?). We read a book called Owen, by Kevin Henkes, and created a list of "treasures" in our writer's notebooks to use as ideas for future stories. The favorite activity of the day was one in which each child was given a balloon (already blown up) with a question inside. Each child decided how he/she wanted to pop the balloon to get the question out. Some students sat on it, and some used a pencil to pop it. Others tried throwing it in the grass, cutting it with scissors, dropping a heavy water bottle on it, and squeezing it between their legs or arms. Lots of creative ideas, lots of noise, and lots of FUN! Plus, we learned a lot about each other! I will add pictures tomorrow. Thanks to everyone who came to our parent meeting. I enjoyed meeting/talking with you!

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